Before starting: Make sure you have the necessary folders and permissions — get more information.

Links: Homepage | Downloads
Dependencies: None
Version: 1.6.3

Apache Portable Runtime (APR).

Get the Code

Switch to /usr/local/src and download the source package.

cd /usr/local/src
curl --remote-name http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/apache//apr/apr-VERSION.tar.gz

Extract the archive and move into the folder.

tar -xzvf apr-VERSION.tar.gz
cd apr-VERSION

Compile and Install

Configure, compile and install into /usr/local/mac-dev-env/apr-VERSION.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mac-dev-env/apr-VERSION
make install

Create a symbolic link to /usr/local/apr.

sudo ln -s mac-dev-env/apr-VERSION /usr/local/apr


Execute the following lines to update your Bash startup script.

echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/apr/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

Load the new shell configurations.

source ~/.bash_profile

Verify the Installation

Verify that you have successfully installed APR.

apr-1-config --version