
The .dev gTLD is owned by Google. Beginning in Google Chrome version 63, .dev domains are redirected to HTTPS. Therefore, this guide is now using .localhost to host local web projects.

Before starting: Make sure you have the necessary folders and permissions — get more information.

Links: Homepage | Downloads
Dependencies: None
Version: 0.12

Puma-dev is a tool to manage Rack apps in development with Puma.

Get the Code

Switch to /usr/local/src and download the pre-compiled binary.

cd /usr/local/src
curl --remote-name --location https://github.com/puma/puma-dev/releases/download/vVERSION/puma-dev-vVERSION-darwin-amd64.zip


Unpack the binary into /usr/local/mac-dev-env/puma-dev-VERSION.

mkdir -p /usr/local/mac-dev-env/puma-dev-VERSION
tar -zxvf puma-dev-vVERSION-darwin-amd64.zip -C /usr/local/mac-dev-env/puma-dev-VERSION

Create a symbolic link to /usr/local/puma-dev.

sudo ln -s mac-dev-env/puma-dev-VERSION /usr/local/puma-dev


Execute the following lines to update your Bash startup script.

echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/puma-dev:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

Load the new shell configurations.

source ~/.bash_profile

Verify the Installation

Verify that you have successfully installed Puma-dev.

puma-dev -V


This configures the settings that require root access on macOS.

sudo puma-dev -setup

Enter your system password to continue.

Create a folder for your applications.

mkdir -p ~/.puma-dev
cd ~/.puma-dev

For each application, add a symlink.

ln -s /path/to/appname

Manual Start/Stop

To start the Puma-dev server.

puma-dev -d localhost

Load the application.


Press CTRL-C to stop the Puma-dev server.

Configure Puma-dev for use with Apache

Configure Puma-dev to start as a service.

puma-dev -install -install-port 9280 -install-https-port 9283 -d localhost

Add the following to the Apache configuration file /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf.

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

<VirtualHost *:80>
  # Passthrough for non-Ruby projects.

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName puma
  ServerAlias *.dev

  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:9280/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9280/

Restart Apache.

sudo apachectl restart

Load the application.



If you have any apps that have stopped responding, you can have puma-dev stop all the apps.

puma-dev -stop


To uninstall Puma-dev.

puma-dev -uninstall -d localhost

Then remove the following from your filesystem.

sudo rm /usr/local/puma-dev
rm ~/Library/Logs/puma-dev.log
rm -r /usr/local/mac-dev-env/puma-dev-VERSION
rm -r ~/.puma-dev
rm -r "~/Library/Application Support/io.puma.dev"

Don't forget to remove any Apache and Bash configurations if applicable.